Sunshine Blogger Award


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Thank you sis at for nominating for this award. I’m honored and I accept.

The rules:

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The Questions I was asked are :

  1. Have you ever suffered from depression? Yes, when I was in college. Alhamdullilah I decided to quit cold Turkey a year in because I didn’t want to become a zombie and an object of experiment because I knew they were testing some new ones on me. My boss and friend at the time used to joke, “How is a med with such a copay help you become less depressed?” Mind you she was the Pharmacist and I was the Tech. It still makes me laugh.
  2. What annoys you most? Why? People who are always sniffing and hunting smells. It’s like they make you self-conscious.
  3. Have you ever soaked in a hot springs? No, I would love to do that though. It’s on the bucket list insha’Allah.
  4. What is one place you wanted to travel to but never have been and why? Bora Bora is a dream location for me. The Maldives islands too. Insha’Allah one day.
  5. Is Grey a color? For me, yes.
  6. Can you ride a horse? No. That’s a bucket list item too. I really want to. There are many here and I need to make time for horseback riding insha’Allah. It’s not like it’s not affordable.
  7. One weird thing about yourself? I talk to myself a lot, even in silence my mind just prattles on. Lol!
  8. If you could be a animal what would you be? A turtle or a cat. If not, a hooter or dove.
  9. Last book You read? What was it? I’m currently reading several books and manuscripts. I know I do unheard of multitasking… But to answer your  question, the last book I completed was a children’s book titled ‘A Gift From Jannah’ by Prolance Publishing.
  10. Last movie you watched ? Was it any good? A United Kingdom is the last movie we saw. It was very emotional.
  11. Do you go to the library regularly? Yup! Like clockwork. There is one facing my apartment complex alhamdullilah. Everyday, after I clock out of work from home. My son and I take a stroll around the neighborhood to check the mail. Then we cross the road to go to the library. He plays on the computer while I read a book or check out materials. My first job in the USA was at a library actually. I shelved books, CDs, etc. and I made tons of friends alhamdullilah.

The questions I ask are :

  1. How many women are they in your field of your work at your job?
  2. How do you deal with mean girlfriends?
  3. What is your routine for self-love and pampering?
  4. What is your favorite fruit?
  5. What is favorite your drink?

Nominees : You don’t have to participate if you don’t want to :). Life gets hectic.

My Journey With Hijab



One comment

  1. Papatia · March 22, 2017

    Reblogged this on Between Sisters, SVP!.


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