Say “Alhamdulillaah!” by Umm Khadiijah Al Liybeeriyyah

Author: Umm Khadiijah Al Liybeeriyyah
Illustrator: Ke’lona A. Hamilton
Publisher : Umm Khadiijah’s Books & Productions

Say “Alhamdulillaah!” by Umm Khadiijah Al Liybeeriyyah is a children’s book that Muslim children need to remind them of the sunnah habit of saying “Alhamdulillaah” when finishing tasks, eating or anything else they’re supposed to give thanks for on a daily basis. It’s the first book in the series, and I found it cute and concise.

Say Alhamdulillah - FINAL.pdf

Say “Alhamdulillaah!” is about 19 pages and the texts are easy to read. I also like that the pictures are faceless. It’s aimed at 3 to 8 years old. Insha’Allah, my son will get the chance to read it on his own one day.

You can get your copy by ordering a copy on Umm Khadiijah’s website. You can also follow her at her blog or on Twitter.

Let’s help Umm Khadiijah Al Liybeeriyyah with her dawah efforts by sharing insha’Allah.

Jazak’Allah khair for reading,

Papatia Feauxzar

Originally published at