Five Children Books To Have


Go Away Bad Mood : Bad Mood is chased away by Big Belle, Susie Squirrel and her friend Gus, Dorothy Doe, and Lady Golden Beak. In this rhyming fantasy, Bad Mood, the gloomy, ugly guy tries to ruin their day in his own special way. But trial after trial he fails until Fairy Felicia changes him to Good Mood. Only then is he invited to stay and play! From beginning to end, children and adults will be intrigued by the book’s message, the enchanting creatures, and the vivid imagery. Book’s message: Show the world your smile! With attached puzzle.

Naiya in Nature : When Naiya wakes up to her busy, loud surroundings, she decides to escape into nature! In this book, Naiya teaches you seven beginner yoga poses, to breathe and, most importantly, to smile!

Hector Hectricity and the Missing Socks : Calm days for the Parack family, filled with soft songs and peaceful picnics, are disrupted by hectic mornings because socks keep vanishing in their new home. Will Mummy’s prayers lead to peace and paired socks again? A fun story for young children that shows how praying to Allah SWT, asking for help from others, and taking a good walk outdoors can help to overcome a sock monster.

Ayesha Dean – The Istanbul Intrigue : Ayesha and her friends Sara and Jess jump at the chance of accompanying Ayesha’s uncle on a trip from Australia to Istanbul. But when Ayesha discovers a mysterious note as a result of visiting an old bookshop, their relaxing holiday starts to get a whole lot more complicated. Ayesha finds herself trying to uncover a hundred-year-old Ibn Arabi mystery, while trying to avoid creepy villains, and still making sure that she gets to eat the best doner kebab Istanbul has to offer. It’s all in a day’s sleuthing when you’re Ayesha Dean. Lucky she can count on her best friends to always have her back! **Fans of Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys will love this new heroine!**

Say, ‘Alhamdullilah’! by Umm Khadiijah Al Liybeeriyyah is a children’s book that Muslim children need to remind them of the sunnah habit of saying “Alhamdulillaah” when finishing tasks, eating or anything else they’re supposed to give thanks for on a daily basis. It’s the first book in the series, and I found it cute and concise.

Jazakh’Allah khair for reading,

~A Ducktrinor Mom~


  1. Papatia · August 2, 2016

    Reblogged this on Between Sisters, SVP!.


  2. tiahayesha · September 5, 2016

    Reblogged this on Converted Muslim Mum and commented:
    Assalam aleykoum !
    Repost this article as a reminder because I am interested in some of this books 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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